Hart completes TVH UK contract

Posted on Tuesday 6 June 2023

HART INDUSTRIAL Doors has completed a contract to supply and install a Speedor Storm at the new Kidderminster facility for TVH UK, the global parts and accessories suppliers.

BRIAN WOODCOCK, Hart’s sales manager for the Midlands and South West, says the impressive building has a two storey, 6300 sq m mezzanine with 20,000m of long span shelving containing more than 32,000 product locations. At ground floor level there are over 16,500 pallet places in high-bay racking holding 71,000 stock-keeping units (sku).

“This is an outstanding development where the emphasis is on efficiency of parts delivery and faster delivery times, critical for their clients. Our high-speed Speedors have an important part to play in this,” says Mr Woodcock.

“We installed Hart’s external high-speed Speedor Storm fabric door which is designed for frequent use in high traffic situations and capable of withstanding harsh environments . This rapid roll door is robust, requires low maintenance and delivers exceptional wind resistance in exposed areas.

“While its high-speed opening and closing action improves efficiency, the energy-saving potential of this rapid roll door is also high, controlling the internal temperatures as well as limiting escaping dirt, odours and noise.”

Mr Woodcock adds: “Given rising energy and the whole of the Climate Change issue, Speedor’s energy-saving features are very important. The automatic action ensures doors are closed for as long as possible thus reducing the loss of heated air and penetration of cold air from outside the building. Given an intensely busy loading bay scenario, heat loss and increasing energy costs have to be controlled, reducing CO2 emissions at the same.

“Hart were selected for cost of product, quality of product and are a UK based manufacturer, this helps to reduce carbon footprint of the purchase and installation.”

Other special features include moisture- controlled electrics and shielding for mechanical components together with a unique guide system offering exceptional wind resistance up to class 5 as defined by DIN EN 12424.

“The Speedor Strom is our bestselling door, ideal for challenging applications where reliability is indispensable as well as speed of the opening/closing cycle which is essential to optimise traffic flow, improve working conditions and of course save energy.”

For more information, visit www.hartdoors.com

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