High Tension strapping

Gordian Strapping has supplied a new vertical strapping machine to producer of concrete paving products, Marshalls, at its site in Newport. Gordian has been a supplier to Marshalls for over 3 decades and has successfully installed in excess of 30 strapping, wrapping and hooding machines during this time.

The site at Newport required a new strapping machine to replace the previous OMS machine which had reached the end of its working life after nearly 20 years of service. Gordian supplied an OMS 08 Vertical Strapping Machine equipped with a sword to penetrate the slave pallet voids. The unit features a TR19 HT (High Tension) strapping head with side compensation to allow equalisation of the strap tension around the pack.

The OMS TR19 HT Head is designed for use with polyester strapping, and is proven in the toughest working environments within the building products industry. It is capable of applying a maximum tension of 7000 Newtons.

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