Integrated route planning

Toolbank has gone live with TranSend ePOD and integrated Route Planning to optimise delivery process and provide a pro-active customer service.

TranSend will manage the delivery operation across thirteen distribution warehouses.

With a fleet of 115 vehicles, Toolbank delivers daily to a nationwide chain of specialist hand and power tool stockists and independent DIY retailers.

  • TranSend ePOD, deployed on Zebra TC56 devices, has replaced manual processes and paperwork with an automated workflow process that provides Toolbank with detailed data for tracking and visibility from the warehouse, in transit, and at the point of delivery.
  • TranSend Route Planning provides Toolbank with more effective and efficient delivery planning; imported routes are planned and optimised at each depot with the ability to manipulate routes throughout the day to handle any ad-hoc jobs.
  • TranSend scan-on functionality has replaced the manual loading process; any exceptions, such as unavailable items, are identified and resolved prior to departure.
  • Items delivered are scanned off the vehicle and automated reconciliation generates an exception workflow to record any items not delivered, and why, with user-defined analysis codes.
  • The TranSend delivery management system provides Toolbank with relevant business alerts such as vehicle check failure, damaged or missing items.
  • Delivery and returns information is fed back to the ERP system for goods inwards recording and accurate invoicing.
  • Customer Services team can view the drivers progress and obtain POD’s quickly and easily.

George Strong, business analyst at Toolbank, says: “TranSend ePOD has been readily adopted by our drivers and provides them with easy-to-follow delivery instructions for each customer outlet. The ease of the roll-out has enabled us to reduce our project timescale from 18 months to 6 months and we now have real-time visibility of our delivery operation at a detailed level, which enables us to react immediately to issues as they arise and offer a more pro-active customer service.”

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East Grinstead, RH19 3DE

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