Inventory cycle count system launches

TouchPath has launched TouchCount, a continuous cycle count system that can be used to keep a current and accurate, 360-degree view of warehouse inventory.

TouchCount is said to be the first of its kind and can be integrated with and post cycle count results to most ERP systems, recording cycle count data from all types of warehouse data capture device. TouchCount can live-count inventory with no production stoppages and with zero disruption to live warehouse product flows, unlike ERP systems whose inventory cycle counting is limited by more restrictive system rules.

TouchCount can be customised to support company-specific working practices and so is easy for warehouse operatives to use following minimal training. It runs on an existing browser so is quick to install, integrated or standalone.

TouchCount can pay for itself within the first year through time savings and continuity of service according to TouchPath which has already successfully trialled the system in a series of supply chain operations.

“TouchCount is a game changer for logistics and manufacturing warehouse operations everywhere,” says TouchPath International CEO David Myers. “It changes the way warehouse inventory is managed and sets new global standards in speed and efficiency for the industry.”

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