Kitting module can help with complex orders

Ecommerce businesses who regularly need to pick a predefined group of items from their warehouse to fulfil a customer order or serve an assembly operation can now simplify the process using a new kitting module for the ProSKU cloud-based warehouse management system (WMS).

The new module is an optional add-on that augments the already rounded functionality available in ProSKU.

The ProSKU functionality allows a kitted ‘master product’ to be created on the system along with its component sub-products and, where applicable, sub-sub products. The system allows either works or sales orders to be processed with pick or assembly instructions generated as required. For picking operations carried out using the ProSKU Android App, a number of special functions are provided to facilitate collation of kits where multiple common kit parts are involved.

Delivery documentation can also be formatted according to buyer needs – to identify the delivered parts as a single item (as for the table lamp example above) or alternatively where a detailed breakdown of the kit parts included is required (for example in the case of a bathroom suite).

A cloud hosted solution with a simple monthly pricing model, ProSKU supports all essential warehouse stock management functions including receipt and putaway, picking and despatch, stock management, and reporting. It integrates quickly and easily with all popular e-commerce platforms including eBay, Amazon, Woo Commerce, Magento and Shopify, as well as traditional CRM solutions such as Sage.

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