KPI display enhanced

Demonstrated at its recent Customer Insight Workshops, the latest version of the TranSend ePOD and delivery management system incorporates a new visual display of key performance management information. 

New delivery management visibility features help clients to more proactively manage issues as they arise and keep the customer informed.

Route Board – a clear, real-time view of the status of all routes and stops. The standard view shows associated stop details with drill-down to detailed stop enquiry. Colour-coding highlights the status of outstanding and completed deliveries. 

Plan vs Actual – a timeline of all planned routes measured against arrival times, colour-coded according to status for immediate visual alert to any exceptions. This enables clients to more pro-actively manage delivery issue and provide earlier customer updates with ETA information.

Arrivals Board – view all departed routes at-a-glance, showing current and next stops with early/late/on-time status, ETA or actual arrival times and how many minutes early/late.

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