Large-scale automated operation for 3PL

Posted on Monday 1 March 2021

Global service provider, Arvato Supply Chain Solutions, has awarded the contract for logistics automation at its new DC in Germany to Knapp.

The facility will triple Arvato's logistics capacity for its customer and Europe's leading premium beauty platform, Douglas.

Arvato Supply Chain Solutions, part of the Bertelsmann Group, has been operating a Knapp system for Douglas for many years at its nearby site in Ennigerloh. The new logistics centre in Hamm – for which construction began in December and which will begin operation in summer 2022 – will allow Arvarto to continue its proven partnership with Knapp.

At the 38,000 sq m facility, Arvato will manage logistics and order fulfilment for the Douglas online shops in the DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) region and the Netherlands, which offer up to 150,000 different products.

The order value for Knapp amounts to more than 50 million euros. “For us, this investment is the largest we’ve ever made in technical infrastructure,” says Arvato Supply Chain Solutions CEO Frank Schirrmeister. In addition, Arvato has signed a service contract, under which Knapp employees will provide on-site system support.

The logistics solution will feature the latest 2D-generation of OSR Shuttle Evo, Knapp's highly dynamic shuttle storage system. With around 130,000 storage locations, this system will have a storage and retrieval capacity of 12,500 containers per hour. It will serve 32 ergonomically designed workstations, with all material flows managed by Knapp's KiSoft software.

Knapp CEO Gerald Hofer says: “The installation for Arvato in Hamm will be the most modern and the most powerful of its kind in Germany. We’re especially pleased about the partnership and the operation of the system, which will continue for many years.”

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