LED dock light solutions

Designer and manufacturer of specialty lighting and electrical products for the material handling, office supply, and safety markets Tri Lite, displayed a complete line of LED loading dock lights at CeMAT 2014.

The dock lights feature an LED Module lamp head that is built into the light housing, making the heads more durable. The modules are completely sealed with a shatterproof polycarbonate lens; there are absolutely no filaments or glass parts to break. They are ideal for working in harsh conditions or regulated areas like refrigerated food warehouses.

“Thanks to LEDs, Tri Lite has reduced the 150-300W of energy needed in an incandescent bulb to 14-8W,” says Sarah Fiola, product marketing specialist for Tri Lite.

Switching from traditional light bulbs to LEDs offers other financial rewards too. Warehouse operations can find more savings through reduced bulb replacement and maintenance costs than through energy savings.

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