LED safety smarts

Alongside the high-tech control system technology supplied by Curtis UK, it also provides traction battery chargers and safety equipment for MHE. The LED visual (and audible) safety warning devices help increase human awareness of approaching hazards.

Choices include multiple visual options, offering a wide selection of styles from different coloured spots, arrows or danger zones LED lamps, plus a variety of alarms and horns all designed to increase site safety by using light or sound as a visual warning device.

“Though we’re global in scale, we pride ourselves in our local approach to customer support.  Our value added services include advanced customer support engineering, vehicle drive and control panel assembly, product testing, repair and failure analysis. You may not have worked with us yet, but you can be sure we’d be a great partner,” says Curtis UK.

Curtis UK was established in 1974 and is the largest European sales and service subsidiary of Curtis Instruments, Inc., a global corporation headquartered in New York. The UK base is a large purpose built facility in Northampton and provides advanced control system technology for electric vehicles and equipment of all types used throughout the UK materials handling industry.

01604 885201 

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