Lift tables improve safety and comfort

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

Bolzoni Auramo lift tables improve safety and comfort and increase productivity.

Ergonomics is applied today across the world in all industry sectors, and it is one of the key drivers in the development of innovation processes, new products, services and solutions. In the material-handling world, manual handling of loads may expose operators to efforts, awkward postures and repetitive motions. Improving workplace fit can bring benefits by:

• Reducing or preventing injuries or for musculoskeletal disorders.
• Reducing operators’ efforts, by decreasing efforts in lifting, handling, pushing, and pulling materials.
• Reducing costs by bringing down or eliminating production bottlenecks, error rates, use of medical services, excessive worker turnover and absenteeism.
• ncreasing productivity, product and service quality.

The Bolzoni Auramo Ergo-Lift, a single scissor lift table for evenly distributed load, is designed as a  workstation to provide improved ergonomic conditions ensuring health, safety and comfort of the operator together with increased productivity and efficiency.

In addition to the technical features of the whole range, this version includes:


• Load applied: evenly distributed.

• Top platform: smooth surface.

• Max. 20 cycles per hour, one shift a day.

• Single acting hydraulic cylinders equipped with drainage.

• Upper and lower position by mechanical stops.

• Self-lubricating bushings on pivot points.

• Hydraulic power pack inside the table provided with relief valve against overloading and compensated flow valve for controlled lowering speed.

• Electric equipment controlled by electronic system, with transformer and thermal protection.

• Wide range of accessories to meet the safety requirements for lift tables.

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