Lithium-Ion storage range expands

Chemstore UK has added the ION-LINE, a 90 minute fire rated lithium-ion battery storage and charging cabinet, to its range of indoor storage units.

When charging lithium-ion batteries, heat can be generated and if this heat output is too high, a fire may occur, for example if the lithium-ion battery, charger or the cable is defective. Another major risk factor is thermal runaway of lithium-ion batteries.

The ION-LINE allows charging of batteries overnight in the safe knowledge they are protected by a 90minute fire rated cabinet that has smoke detection and fire suppression built in.

Chemstore managing director Mike Brodie comments: "The addition of the ION-LINE to our range means that we now have lithium-ion battery storage covered with an outdoor (the Electrovault) and indoor offering as well as the option to create bespoke storage solutions.

"Standard fire-rated units just won't do when it comes to lithium-ion battery storage which is why it is important to consult a specialist such as ourselves and we are pleased to say we are fast becoming the go-to experts in this area.”

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