Lockout Tagout guide

Workers can face serious or fatal injures if machinery starts up or ‘energises’ unexpectedly. To ensure worker well-being and reduce the risk of employer liability and possible prosecution, planned procedures for isolating and clearly labelling restricted machinery is critical.

Lockout Tagout (LOTO) available from Arco provides a physical method of isolating powered-down equipment plus highly visible warnings showing that equipment should not be used.

Arco has created a comprehensive product guide featuring their wide range of Lockout Tagout devices, padlocks and signs and how to use them to create a safer working environment. The guide, available online and in print, demonstrates how basic LOTO locking off steps are an effective way of reducing risks for those maintaining, cleaning or repairing equipment.

The Arco LOTO product guide also provides current regulations and legislative information, emphasising self-regulation, risk assessment and workforce involvement in the control of health and safety. Visit www.arco.co.uk/LOTO for further information.

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