Lucas moves into gear

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

After introducing the globally recognised Lucas brand into its comprehensive industrial product line-up in the spring, independent specialist, ECOBAT Battery Technologies (EBT) has not only expanded the range, but grown its distribution platform.

“For the initial launch we used the internet to provide the industry with an innovative replacement battery solution,” explained Derek Anderson, strategic director of the company’s industrial division, EBT Industrial, “which allowed users of the site – – with a straightforward means of identifying and ordering the correct like-for-like battery, with off-the-shelf delivery, growing the range along the way.

“As interest in the brand has grown however, it is now time to introduce it into our portfolio on an equal footing alongside the other brands and products we offer through our tradition sales channels. This means that as well as via the internet, our sales team and service engineers will be able to specify Lucas where, in alignment with our ongoing business philosophy, it is the most suitable solution for the requirements of our customers.

“In addition, reflecting the pan-European nature of EBT as a whole, which, as well as operating throughout the UK and Ireland, has distribution hubs in the Netherlands and France, Lucas industrial batteries will be introduced alongside their automotive and commercial vehicle cousins, across continental Europe.

“This is naturally a very exciting prospect and allied to some organisational changes we are introducing, will pave the way for considerable expansion of the business as we rollout our customer-focused attitude, to a much wider audience throughout Europe. 

“As those that deal with us already can testify, our motto is ‘the customer is king’ and EBT has grown as a result. This strategy is made possible by ensuring we provide them with what they need to maximise their investment when it comes to their power storage requirements. We can achieve this by not only offering a multitude of solutions, but also by our significant stockholding capacity and customer support operation.

“EBT Industrial has a wealth of power storage knowledge and expertise, as well as a team of highly qualified service engineers able to visit, assess, advise and support our customers, to ensure the battery/charger combination precisely fits their requirements and delivers the necessary performance for each and every application. In addition, we also offer the best in customer service on a truly national basis.”

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