Make sure there’s a good match

The European Materials Handling Federation (FEM) has issued new guidance for customers, specifiers and end users of dock levellers that will have a significant impact over the coming months, says Jonathan Bowdler, service sales manager, Pickerings Lifts Loading Systems.

“Members of FEM’s Elevation Equipment Product Group undertook wide-ranging research and end user feedback to conclude that a key application element of dock levellers built to BS EN 1398: 2009 is increasingly being overlooked and should be taken into account at the time of specification, or risk the overall life of the equipment being affected,” he says.

“Our advice, following that of the FEM, is to check that the dock levellers you have in situ are capable of supporting the total load capacity you require, and that they are also suitable for use with your nominated truck fleet and types of vehicle – or potentially risk an expensive repair bill.”

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