Matting app

Mats in Mind is a interactive app developed by matting manufacturer, COBA Europe.

It has been designed primarily as a tool for COBA Europe’s safety matting distributors, helping them to advise their customers on the most suitable floor mats for different environments.

It is available to end-users too, who are looking for advice on matting specification. 

The app includes a decision tree asking a number of questions and makes product recommendations based on the answers given. There is also a 3D facility explorer highlighting the most suitable products for different areas within a building, along with a Workplace Product Selector.

Mats in Mind gives users the option to download data sheets and gain access to technical information, as well as useful resources and guidance on related topics, such as ‘anti-fatigue’ issues and how to prevent standing-related MSDs in the workplace.

It is available for free download on mobile phones and tablets.

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Logistics Matters