Maximising storage space

Three Sidetracker multi-directional sideloaders with 15 years’ service behind them are maximising storage space for their new owner, manufacturer of PVC-U extrusions, Synseal Extrusions.

Following its purchase of K2 Conservatories in Lancashire, where the Sidetrackers had been based, Synseal re-located them along with the cantilever racking to its main site in Nottinghamshire.

The trucks handle extrusions up to 6.5m long stored in the same cantilever racking layout used at K2 in Blackburn. They are all SO30B models with a three-tonne capacity at 400mm load centres and a lift height of seven metres. The narrow design has allowed racking aisles to be reduced to 1710mm wide, maximising storage space.

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