Mesh decking & carton live

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

The warehouse facilities and operations at the Body Shop facility in Littlehampton are vast and varied – from picking and packing for mail order through to the distribution of products to a global network of retail outlets.

The diverse nature of The Body Shop’s picking and packing processes are complex and need to be adaptable to the ever changing demands of the cosmetics industry.

New safety measures and processes to improve efficiency have been driven by their parent company Loreal. Due to changes in the supply chain, The Body Shop now needs to accommodate both Euro and UK pallets. They required a solution that would offer flexibility of pallets stored, whilst also conforming to safety guidelines.

Acorn Storage has a long standing relationship with The Body Shop. Over the years this has involved the supply and repair of pallet racking, shelving and ancillaries. So when the Body Shop had their latest challenge, Acorn was happy to assist.

Caleb Howard, Acorn’s senior sales engineer visited The Body Shop to consult on the various issues they were facing and had this to say about the project: “The Body Shop’s DC in Littlehampton has always been capable of storing UK pallets efficiently since it was first opened in the 1980s. They’re now facing changes to their supply chain that means they will have to accommodate a percentage of Euro pallets following their recent merger with Loreal.  Rather than change an entire warehouse racking system we proposed the more cost effective solution of adding mesh decking which would allow flexibility in pallet storage while also improving safety.”

For this application, where flexibility is a key driver, a significant advantage is the ease of installation. Alongside the addition 10,000 pallet locations of mesh decking, 27 bays of mobile carton live racking were also installed to increase the pick-face of small fast moving items. This not only improves management of first in first out stock turnover, but they can also be relocated around the warehouse as seasons and requirements change.

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