MEWP fatality rates down

Posted on Tuesday 18 July 2023

Despite incident reporting increasing over the past year, the fatality rates of the most common types of accidents have declined, according to IPAF’s Global Safety Report.

THE IPAF Global Safety Report 2023 analyses the latest data collected via the IPAF portal ( covering the period 2013-23, focusing particularly on year-on-year trends to identify how well the industry is doing in tackling the key causes of accidents involving powered access.

While mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs), mast-climbing work platforms (MCWPs) and construction hoists are statistically among the safest ways to work at height, this year’s report shows that in 2022 there were 759 reports of safety incidents from 34 countries, up 15% and 21% respectively. There were 831 people involved, and 102 deaths reported, a decline of around 19% on 2021, when there were 126 fatalities.

In terms of incidents resulting in deaths or major injury, falls from the platform remained the most common underlying cause, with overturns second. Hit by machine, vehicle or object was third, entrapment fourth and electrocution or electric shock fifth. Mechanical failure was joint seventh with falls from height (no machine involved) – a notable reduction following a spike in reported incidents across 2021.

IPAF CEO and managing director Peter Douglas, says: “IPAF continues to empower all operators and supervisors to report incidents quickly, easily and, if so wished, anonymously via its ePAL app. We hope this unlocks widespread reporting of accidents, as well as minor and near-miss incidents that often go under-reported.”

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