Minimal deflection under load

Posted on Monday 30 May 2022

A PLASTIC pallet’s strength, dimensional consistency, and minimal deflection under load are beneficial, particularly in Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS). These automated systems increase speed and accuracy but only operate efficiently if the components used are reliable. key account manager Steve Penney, says: “Retailers could use wooden pallets in these systems; however, they are susceptible to weakness and can fail, causing damage to machinery and resulting in costly downtime for the business. This problem doesn’t exist with plastic pallets.”

A plastic pallet can work perfectly, time and again over many years, in automated systems. In fact, this longevity can be hugely cost-effective for today’s warehouse. While operating costs, material prices, and fuel prices continue to rise, plastic pallets can potentially save a business thousands of pounds a year – over a 10-year period (or longer) – when compared to buying, maintaining, and replacing wooden pallets.

Another key consideration for today’s warehouse is the environment, says Steve. Organisations are working hard to reduce their carbon footprint and using plastic pallets can help to make operations more sustainable. 

“Currently, 93% of our pallets are made from recycled material, making use of the valuable plastic resource that already exists. We complete the circular economy loop once the plastic pallets are no longer needed as we responsibly recycle them through our pioneering plastic pallet recycling scheme,” explains Steve.

“With unrivalled performance, sustainable credentials, and the potential for huge cost savings, plastic pallets are an integral part of today’s warehouse and will continue to be well into the future.”

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