‘Mission Possible’ on safe storage
Speakers at The Storage Equipment Manufacturers’ Association Annual Conference and Exhibition Storage Safety Conference on 1st November at the National Motorcycle Museum Solihull explain why attendance is a must.
“Our proactive health and safety interventions focus on risk-based topics, RIDDOR notifications and investigations into H & S concerns. Examples include; unprotected edges on storage mezzanines, unsuitable access equipment and defective ladders. We take proportionate action, regardless of incident. Many smaller businesses don’t know how to manage work at height, have insufficient control measures in place and fail to appreciate that cutting corners doesn’t pay.”
Terry Mallard, Health and Safety Inspector, Birmingham City Council
“One in five people of working age is either experiencing mental anxiety or work-related stress. Thirty years of technological advances have created incompatibility between people and processes. No firm is too small or too big to protect employees from stress at work. Our top 100 companies all actively promote health and well-being among their employees. The result makes people more productive. Managing mental health is doable if you build processes around people.”
Peter Kelly, Senior Psychologist, HSE
“Does CDM applies to your project? Revised 2015 CDM regulations offer a blueprint for project safety but compliance can be complex. Referencing racking installations as an example, I’ll clarify how H&S is an integral project element and how investing in the right support on client responsibilities, design and installation is the right commercial decision.”
Allan Ridout, Environment, Health and Safety Manager Malone Group
“An FLT-related accident left me as an above the knee amputee 12 years ago. My misfortune has inflicted a life-changing aftermath upon my family and son. Yes, poor warehouse layout created that unsafe environment. But every single employee must show vigilance in the workplace and has a duty to report or act where they see fit.”
Lisa Ramos (and David Garton), Health and Safety Impact Speakers
“The HSE recognises forklifts as the most dangerous form of workplace transport, yet the forklift ‘licence’, which many regard as the benchmark for safe operation, is actually a myth. Before letting anyone loose on your expensive truck, stock and racking, take these simple steps. Check for a certificate of accredited training, assess their skills and ensure they’ve received basic, job specific and familiarisation training as per the ACOP.”
Stuart Taylor, MD, Mentor FLT Training
“Underpinning any concept of a ‘cradle-to-grave’ safety plan there is usually a code, a standard or a precise structure or blueprint. SEMA’s mantra for addressing this matter in the storage industry is a set of codes for the design, installation, use and inspection of the equipment supported by a suite of initiatives, training and qualifications. We help businesses practise what we preach.”
Alan Worrell, SEMA Technical Committee
The SEMA Distributor Group (SDG) operates the only scheme in the UK that audits the competence of our resellers and distributors. We help you manage your risk, by ensuring that storage systems are designed in accordance with the latest SEMA standards, are fit for purpose and installed safely. Why take the risk of using a supplier or reseller that isn’t regulated or audited? Contact a SEMA Distributor Company.
Simon King, Former Chair, SEMA Distributor Group
“21st century leaders need to do more than heap safety rules to people. They must coach, mentor and facilitate and improve their workforce. Success comes through common goals, making better decisions quicker and taking effective action faster. Always refuse to lower your standards to accommodate those who refuse to raise theirs.”
Neil Sheehan, former Senior Safety Manager (Construction & Property) ASDA
‘Since the CMF launched its safety training initiative in 2003, RIDDOR notifications among its 120 members have dropped by 77%. Leadership in safety training is more about using “the carrot not the stick”. Rather than a heavy-handed top town approach, employers must bring to life the implications of, say, not wearing safety goggles or the wrong footwear. We recommend personal approaches such as “You do want to see your son/daughter walk down the aisle don’t you?” They work!
Richard Heath, Safety Advisor, Cast Metals Federation
“Investment in storage safety is a sound commercial decision and well within reach when you follow best practice. New tougher Health & Safety Legislation has led to a sharp increase in penalties paid by UK firms. 2016 saw 292 fines issued, a 148% increase on 2015. Our nine speakers with wide ranging backgrounds break new ground covering issues such as mental health, 21st century leadership, and real-life case studies. These examples bring home the diverse responsibilities of safe storage management.”
Jaap Vos, President of SEMA