Modular bench systems

Peak trading periods place a heavy strain on packing operations, but intelligently-designed systems can increase operational efficiency by maximising use of space and creating a more ergonomic working environment, improving productivity by removing potential bottlenecks and facilitating rapid restocking and efficient use of packaging materials.

Pacplan Ergoline modular bench systems provide versatile solutions for packing operations of any scale. In response to increased demand from the order fulfilment sector, the Pacplan range has now been extended to include Technik custom-built systems.

Working through a national network of approved distributors, Pacplan Technik technicians conduct site visits and customer consultations to create innovative, ergonomically-designed systems that are tailored to specific requirements and locations.

Designed and constructed to suit individual requirements, Pacplan Technik systems can incorporate features such as:

  • A wide choice of worktop surfaces
  • Packaging material dispenser systems
  • Eye-level and under-table shelves, dividers, cupboards and drawers
  • Keyboard and monitor mounts
  • Lighting and power supply
  • Beacon systems for rapid packaging replenishment and supervisor support
  • Conveyor systems

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Western Business Media,
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East Grinstead, RH19 3DE

01342 314 300
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