New appointment for FHG IPP Logipal

FHG IPP Logipal appoints Dan Cronin as European WEEE Manager…

Europe’s second largest pallet pooling company FHG IPP
Logipal has appointed Dan Cronin as European WEEE manager at its Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) business unit. His appointment
reinforces FHG IPP Logipal’s growth ambitions in the electronic waste and
recycling pooling market.

Cronin previously worked for three Approved Authorised
Treatment Facility (AATF) operators in addition to developing and managing a
successful Producer Compliance Scheme. In his new role at FHG IPP Logipal, he
will collaborate with specialists from the company’s Industrial Business Unit
to offer a recycling handling solution to existing and potential customers
across Europe.

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