New thermocouple data loggers for cloud monitoring

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

Japanese market leader T&D Corporation presents a new line up for its successful TR-7wf/nw series data loggers.

The new models – TR-75 wf for WLAN and TR-75 nw for wired LAN connection – support six different kinds of thermocouples (K, J, T, E, S, R) to cover a broad range of measurement tasks. Designed for cloud computing and easily accessible by mobile devices, users can monitor and store data, change settings and receive alert warnings via T&D’s cloud, the WebStorage Service.

Both models are capable of wide-range temperature measurements from -199 to 1760°C, depending on the particular thermocouple sensor chosen. Recorded data automatically uploads at arbitrary intervals to the T&D WebStorage Service, which releases alert warnings should records deviate from defined settings. USB connection allows direct data download to a PC as well as the use of an PoE. Free server software is available for when the cloud service cannot be used.

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