New warehouse operation analysis report could save companies thousands

Proteus Software and TouchStar Technologies – respectively suppliers of warehouse management systems and mobile computing solutions to the supply chain sector – have joined forces to offer warehouse and distribution centre operators a new reporting service that, it is claimed, will allow energy efficiency savings of between and 15 and 25 per cent to be made.

The efficiencies are achieved, Proteus and TouchStar say, as a result of a new approach to warehouse operations analysis that highlights those aspects of a storage facility that could be undertaken more proficiently.

For example, the way in which a warehouse is laid out and the routes that materials handling equipment takes between order picks and/or put-away will have a substantial impact on the amount of energy used at any site. By simply mapping the best routes around a warehouse for replenishment and order picking tasks, notable manpower, energy and forklift fuel economies can be quickly achieved.

“By analysing a company’s warehouse operation, we can identify areas where efficiencies can be made,” says TouchStar Technologies’ marketing executive, Karen Taylor. “We will then deliver a full report on the potential productivity and energy efficiency gains that are possible.”

She continues: “Many warehouse companies have realised the benefits of reducing energy consumption by switching to more efficient lighting systems and cutting heating costs, but are still wasting thousands of pounds each year because their own internal logistics processes are fundamentally inefficient. Our reporting system will help flag-up areas for improvement.



Linda Rodway, marketing development manager, Proteus Software, comments: “Effective energy management is now firmly established as a discipline that all companies must embrace if bottom-line profits are to be maximised and the need to operate ‘sustainably’ is now regarded as an essential business tool. 

“We believe that Proteus and TouchStar’s new service offering represents a major breakthrough in the way companies operate their warehouses.”

On Thursday November 13th Proteus and TouchStar will be hosting a seminar dedicated to increasing efficiency within the warehouse. The event takes place at Proteus’s Birmingham offices and will feature two keynote presentations and panel discussion in the morning, a buffer lunch followed further keynote addresses and a demonstration of the Proteus/TouchStar solution in the afternoon.

The seminar is free to attend and further details are available from Linda Rodway, Market Development Manager, Proteus Software Ltd, Tel:  +44 (0) 121 717 7474 Email:[email protected]

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