Next-gen intelligent rack protection launches
A-SAFE unveiled the latest version of RackEye at this year’s IMHX. RackEye 2.0 builds upon many of the features of the original, while offering enhanced functionality with cloud-based technology.
Rack impacts can lead to operational disruption, missed KPIs and escalating maintenance costs. In the most extreme cases, they might even result in racks collapsing. RackEye offers an intelligent solution to this problem by monitoring warehouse racking 24/7 and instantly notifying warehouse management when an impact has occurred.
It works fully independently of the customer’s existing IT infrastructure. RackEye provides a leased turnkey solution for large manufacturing, logistics and distribution businesses to ensure the sustained safety of their employees, customers and equipment – without the need for significant capital expenditure.
RackEye works by actively monitoring racking infrastructure via intelligent sensors fitted to the legs of warehouse racks. If these detect that an impact has occurred, the system will pinpoint the affected rack and send an immediate SMS notification to the warehouse management team. This allows them to assess any damage immediately and take remedial action if necessary.
RackEye not only addresses the immediate dangers of racking damage, but also supports companies with achieving their long-term strategic warehouse objectives. The RackEye Dashboard provides detailed insight into historical impact trends, allowing users to identify impact hotspots across multiple locations, target predictive maintenance activities and address warehouse layout problems.
Live RackEye installations at customer locations have demonstrated that use of the system can lead to a substantial reduction in rack impacts and positive changes in driver behaviour. By detecting rack impacts and alerting warehouse managers the instant incidents occur, RackEye encourages forklift drivers to take greater care when loading and unloading racks. Furthermore, statistical data of when and where impacts are occurring helps warehouse managers to identify impact hotspots, as well determine when additional driver training might be required.
Luke Smith, co-owner and MD of A-SAFE says: “This new intelligent system has been successfully running in a number of customer locations and they have been delighted with the results. They are benefitting from changes in driver behaviour, detailed KPI reporting and measurement and reductions in incidents. One customer has even reported a 75% reduction in impacts across the legs where they’ve been trialling it. It is great to see that our customers are just as enthusiastic about the enhanced system as we are. RackEye aims to transform safety in the warehouse industry in the UK and around the world.”