Next generation picking experience

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

Combining simplicity and intuitive operation, ICAM has developed IRIDE, its next generation picking experience.

Thanks to the combination of colored light beams (Light Picking Guide) which identify the  locations containing the material to be handled with the Head-up Digital Dashboard and the Active Gesture Control, the intelligent system of hands-free interaction, the operator is be guided step by step throughout the process and is able to roam freely among the items to organise and store.

A fully integrated digital environment both in the machine and in ICON, the software management system means ICAM achieves high standards of ergonomics and usability, accuracy and productivity.

IRIDE, the innovative Interactive Multimedia Workstation (IMW), introduces a new approach for the interaction with the machine based on a visual guide and gesture control, for an overall picking experience which is natural, simple and comfortable.

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