No ‘one size fits all’

Anti-fatigue mats are nearly always supplied in a limited choice of sizes, meaning you must fit around them, rather than the mats fitting around how you work.

It also means that your staff are having to step on and off mats as they go from station to station, which can lead to trip and fall accidents.

Mats4U offers a bespoke matting solution for the warehouse. Tiled or modular systems are an increasingly popular choice of mat due to their versatility. Tiles are arranged or cut to fit any shape or size of area. Entire floors or anywhere your staff stand or walk during the day can be covered.

The benefits of modular systems over stand-alone mats include increased comfort, aesthetics and safety, says the company.

“There is a reduced need to step off the mats onto a cold, hard floor which makes things more comfortable for workers. One complete uniform system looks far better than several mats of varying size sporadically placed about the floor. Safety is improved with a one level, non-slip walking surface placed in all areas where people operate during the day.”

0800 1 80 40 24

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Logistics Matters