Online courses from mental health charity
Mentor FLT Training has announced that it can now offer six online courses created by mental health charity MIND in Haringey, to further support businesses and their employees.
Delivered in association with Mentor’s e-learning partners Upskill People, the series of briefings is designed to raise awareness around mental health and help provide all staff with useful information and guidance. There is also a specific briefing for managers on how to support their teams.
Stuart Taylor, managing director of Mentor FLT Training, said: “Businesses and their employees are all facing their own challenges at the moment. As another support service for our customers, we hope these bite-size briefings offer a simple, accessible way to promote wellbeing and raise awareness, so that those involved are better equipped to deal with key issues, should they arise.”
Mentor also recognises the need to offer learners alternative, online training formats at this time.
“Our partners previously helped us to create an online platform for our ‘Managing Forklift Operations’ course, to allow businesses a flexible alternative to classroom learning,” continued Stuart. “The mental health series works in the same way, providing learners with access to important training that they can fit around their daily demands. We hope e-learning options can help businesses at a time when many are adapting staff working patterns.
“To complete the courses, learners need only a device with internet capability, meaning they can train at a time and place that suits them. And with the government allowing, and actively encouraging, training during furlough, e-learning options enable businesses to engage their entire workforce remotely, should they wish.”
The courses can be taken individually or as a series. Subjects include:
• Your Wellbeing
• What is Mental Health?
• Understanding Depression
• Managing Mental Health
• Let’s Talk About Stress
• Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders
Courses like these benefit employees and businesses alike, as Stuart explained: “Not only is this series extremely accessible but, through raised awareness, it can help businesses open up lines of communication with staff and contribute towards reducing the stigma around mental health. Ultimately, promoting staff wellbeing is good for everyone because a happy, healthy team is also likely to be far more engaged and productive. Creating a good company culture benefits everyone.”
More information on the online training series can be found on Mentor’s website.