Optimise warehouse best practice with Yale Reliant

Posted on Tuesday 9 April 2024

Yale Lift Truck Technologies has launched Yale Reliant – an advanced suite of operator assistance technologies that help reinforce lift truck best practices.

AT THE heart of Yale Reliant is advanced dynamic stability technology. This adjusts performance of the lift truck or warehouse equipment in real time, assisting the operator to not exceed the truck’s capabilities. This may be a reduction in travel speed or truck acceleration, or a reduction in lift speed or tilt speed. Whatever movement may potentially lead to an instability incident can be reduced in intensity or blocked altogether, all while the operator maintains ultimate control of the equipment. 

The result of more than 29,000 hours of research and development, the power of Yale Reliant comes from three core technologies. Proximity detection is provided by local or real-time location technologies that use tags on equipment, pedestrians, and infrastructure. This enables truck-to-truck, truck-to-pedestrian, and truck-to-beacon detection. Lidar-based technology (light detection and ranging) detects obstacles without proximity tags in the path of travel. Meanwhile, advanced dynamic stability provides advanced traction, hydraulic, and overload control to support truck stability.  

These integrated technologies allow warehouses to harness the benefits of Yale Reliant. Warehouses may use the system to control equipment speed to maintain a specific following distance between equipment, or limit travel speed at the end of aisles. They can also set up the system to restrict travel and lift functions or reduce speed to avoid stability issues.  

Yale Reliant is available ex-factory on selected equipment models.

For more information, visit www.yale.com

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