Parcel hub performance booster
Siemens Logistics has enhanced its software for parcel handling.
The Hub Performance Booster is intelligent software for optimised management of day-to-day parcel operations. With real-time collection of operational data, the software automatically generates recommendations for operators and ensures the timeliest intervention possible. Its modular architecture allows for demand-driven functional deployment in all hub processes, end-to-end. Real-time visibility along the overall process chain assists in operating a hub at optimal performance.
Even small deviations within interconnected processes and a lack of transparency can lower a hub’s throughput and jeopardise adherence to service level agreements. Hub Performance Booster’s analytics tools enable forecasting to help prevent operational issues from happening. In addition, the software can execute highly automated operational control processes. Among others, it provides suggestions on which chutes need to be unloaded at the highest priority to avoid overruns and costly parcel re- circulations on the sorter. Furthermore, Hub Performance Booster supplies advice to vehicle loading teams on which dock trucks should be changed to avoid loading capacity bottlenecks. The software also provides information on sorter occupancy to detect unbalanced situations.
Recommendations generated by Hub Performance Booster are based on online analytics results. The information can be retrieved at any point of interest and on a range of smart devices. The analytics technology platform consists of modern cloud-native software architecture.