Plan in your inspections

Posted on Monday 12 July 2021

IN THIS period logistic platforms are particularly stressed by the operational difficulties related to the containment measures for the coronavirus and the continuous demand for the supply of essential goods.

At this time it is strategic to plan maintenance of loading bays to protect business investment as well as security and business continuity.

As ever, it is necessary to limit accidents and drops in productivity.

Maybe your business may be forced into downtime due to the Covid-19 emergency? In cases of prolonged inactivity, it is advisable to test the safety and efficiency of the warehouse when usual operations are restored.

Campisa equipment has been designed to minimise extraordinary maintenance. With regualr inspectiona you can highlight any issues in order to act quickly and not compromise performance capabilities.

Campisa designs and markets patented high performance products. For example, you can extend the warranty of sectional overhead doors with the Fidelity hydraulic lifting system up to 10 years. The only stipulation is to carry out mandatory routine inspections.

Campisa’s product range is also designed to facilitate inspection operations. The multi-service technology offered by the hydraulic consoles is installed at person height inside the warehouse. This choice facilitates electrical and hydraulic maintenance because it does not require lifting platforms and any intervention under the ramp. The maintenance technician does not have to take up uncomfortable or risky positions. The result is better health and safety in the workplace.

For more information, visit

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Logistics Matters