RCR has triple accreditation

RCR Flooring Products has been awarded OHSAS 18001:2007 occupational health and safety accreditation. 

This achievement follows a successful audit undertaken at the Lee Mill factory by BSI in September 2017. 

In 2017 RCR also attained ISO 14001:2015 registration for environmental management, and successfully upgraded its ISO 9001 registration to the latest 2015 standard.

This means that RCR Flooring Products is now a triple accredited company, operating to the latest world-class management standards.

OHSAS 18001:2007 requires companies to follow a process of health and safety policy setting, planning, implementation and operation, checking, and management review.

“2017 was a hugely significant year for our systems and operations,” says quality & systems co-ordinator Laurance Williams, who led the programme to prepare RCR for the OHSAS 18001:2007 audit. 

“At the beginning of the year our managing director, Andrew Keen, set us the challenge to build a fully integrated management system that would prove we comply with the latest international standards for quality, the environment and health and safety, in less than one year. With hard work and dedication from all the team, the process took just ten months. It’s an immense achievement for us, and one that prepares RCR for even greater success in the future.”

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