Recirculate or single pass

IBC cleaning specialist Suncombe has introduced a new version of its IBCWashBooth, which is able to recirculate the washing solutions for less critical applications, thus reducing water consumption by up to 80%, as well as offering additional benefits.

Users can choose to recirculate the washing solutions or maintain single pass cleaning. The choice can be switched on or off within every step of every wash programme (recipe), allowing companies to achieve a fully repeatable, validatable recipe while, at the same time, minimising water usage without affecting the washing quality.

Suncombe has also incorporated its Spurge Bar technology into the booths to minimise liquid flow-rates, whilst consequently reducing consumption of cleaning additives, energy usage and effluent generation.

The IBCWashBooth is a high specification unit, using an innovative spray technique and high impact accurate spray targeting. Built to hygienic and sanitary standards and complying with ASME BPE, GAMP, ISPE and 21CFR11, it is available in single door or pass through versions. The Suncombe DuoBooth is used o


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