Rise above with WMS as blue skies return

WMS technology innovator, SnapFulfil, is seeing green shoots of a turnaround in global commerce as businesses adapt and gear up for the new post Covid-19 future.

With a steady increase in enquiries, SnapFulfil’s remote implementation and operating functionality is driving interest, as well as short lead times to be up and running.

“You’re talking days not months,” says SnapFulfil’s CEO for UK & Europe, Tony Dobson.

Dobson also observes that many operators are seeing this period as a once in a lifetime opportunity to get their warehouse operations in order, so they can hit the ground running.

He explains: “We’re working ever closer with customers to help them meet this crisis head on in terms of remote operations, data and warehouse planning, plus optimising both space and resource – in order that social distancing measures can be met in the warehouse and business as usual can be maintained in these exceptional circumstances.

“Indeed, it’s at times like this where advanced cloud-based WMS, such as SnapFulfil, comes into its own. Our rich functionality and management software is proving invaluable when it comes to accessing real-time data, plus when warehouse staffing levels are at a premium and self-isolation is a reality, having this data at your fingertips to boost the efficiency of your available workforce is critical.”

If you haven’t already invested in a cloud-based WMS such as SnapFulfil – don’t worry. It’s possible to have it up and running remotely, so you don’t have to be onsite, in just 45 days and it’s not expensive to set in motion, or difficult to reconfigure.

So, the reassuring SnapFulfil mantra as we emerge from this global pandemic is use the time to plan, invest and prepare for the upturn (which is round the corner), so you rise above the cloud as the blue skies return.

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