Roll container with adjustable sides
K Hartwall has released the Foldia Roll Container equipped with adjustable sides, the Foldia Plus.
As space in stores is very limited every square metre needs to be used most efficiently, which is already a given with Foldia’s excellent space saving and storage ability.
The unit offers a similar cubic fill as the old demountable unit. When the sides are up it is used as a transport unit when they are down it works as a display in the store.
The unit is foldable, not demountable so no more loose parts. In return logistics 4 Foldia Plus are neatly and easily put inside an open one, giving a 5:1 empty ratio. This also makes the handling easier at the DC with nice “packages” instead of different bundles of roll container parts not always matching each other.
We are now delivering Foldia Plus to the Mass stores and have more units on their way to Peru.