Safety first
WITH INCREASED levels of automation, it is more important than ever to ensure that human and machine interact smoothly and safely within a warehouse environment. Safe automation expert Pilz covered this topic in its recent webinar, ‘Safety first for warehouse automation.’

Machine safety expert Jason Reed started the presentation by highlighting the regulations needed to be considered by both OEMs – the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 – and the end-users – the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER.) He then provided an overview of both the UKCA and CE Marking processes, discussing who is responsible and the essential requirements the user must meet to demonstrate conformity.
The webinar also covered Standards for Machinery, looking closely at the standards most relevant for warehouse automation such as EN ISO 14118 (Prevention of unexpected start-up), EN ISO 14119 (Interlocking Devices) and EN 528 (Rail dependant storage and retrieval equipment.)
Following this discussion, the presenter then provided an overview of product solutions that can be implemented in an automated warehouse environment to meet those standards. These include access management – ensuring tasks such as maintenance can only be carried out by authorised and trained personnel. In addition they include industrial security – preventing manipulation of systems by external sources, as well as danger zone protection – bringing operations to a safe stop or safe speed if the zone is encroached by personnel, and safe operation of AGV or AMR systems – enabling safe navigation and interaction within shared work spaces.
To catch up on the webinar go to and enter webcode 231783.