Samson Nano Live launches at PPMA
SAMSON NANO is the pallet wrapping system from Samson Pallet Stability, which includes the Capex-free machine, all film, servicing and maintenance as part of a fixed price per wrapped pallet.

The Samson Nano has always had internet-linked reporting software, which allows the customer to see how many pallets are being wrapped, and the team at Samson Pallet Stability to monitor for any failed wraps or inconsistencies. This software has had a major overhaul, resulting in the development of Samson Nano Live.
Using the dashboard, the team and its clients are able to access real-time data of their machines in the field. The new technology allows them to monitor how many wraps the machine has done to date, the position of the turntable and the loadcell value as it changes, live. Samson Nano Live also monitors which sensors on the machine have been triggered, which allows the team to identify any faults, and receive an alert should there be any issues. Since customers are not charged for failed wraps, it’s in the interest of both Samson Pallet Stability and the customer to be alerted as soon as possible if there are any problems.
Wrap data
The technology also provides data on all the pallets that have been wrapped, including the time they were wrapped, the setting they were wrapped on, and how much film was used. They are also able to see specific wrap data per setting, per day. There is also a live graph to show how many total wraps have been completed in any one day, allowing perpetual monitoring of output, together with easy viewing of peaks and troughs of activity.
Samson Pallet Stability managing director, Julia Davis says: “We are confident that Samson Nano Live represents exceptional added value to our customers. We are committed to helping our customers to use as little wrap as possible to safely and securely wrap their pallets, and ultimately get them to their destination in perfect condition. This new system allows us to show in real time the effectiveness of the machines, and allows customers to draw down data quickly and easily for their own reporting.”
Samson Nano Live follows the launch of the Samson Nano Slingshot, the horizontal stability-testing facility launched by Samson Pallet Stability in 2021, which certifies pallets to EUMOS standards by replicating the inertia of a braking vehicle to 0.8G.
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