Schuh boosts capacity with Vanderlande sorters

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

To facilitate growth Schuh required a high capacity material handling solution for which they partnered up with Vanderlande.

The retailer needed to extend beyond its Neilson Square distribution centre in Livingston. The new 245,000 square foot DC is five times larger than its current warehouse and will be located on its recently acquired site at the J4M8 complex in Bathgate, Scotland.

According to Rob Bridle, head of logistics at Schuh: “Fast and efficient logistics is an essential requirement for successful multi-channel retailing and the Vanderlande solution will help us ensure that we continue to provide great service to our customers now and in the future.”

Vanderlande proposed a solution including a Crossorter 700 enabling the handling of both shoeboxes and accessories. Depending on the size of the article the Crossorter uses one or two belts to sort it to its destination chute. This results in a very low number of non-conveyable products and completely automates the sortation of products towards dispatch.

Currently the system is equipped with three inducts reaching a capacity of 9,300 items per hour. This can be increased in the future to 10,700 items per hour with an additional induct. This flexible approach, also known as a ‘breathing system’, together with close co-operation during the tendering phase and a thorough understanding of their needs were the main reasons why Schuh chose Vanderlande.

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