Simplify yard management

Lancashire-based SAP Logistics specialist The Config Team has helped a leading UK food manufacturer to transform yard management at one of its main distribution centres with the implementation of its new YardMap interface.

YardMap is a front end user interface to SAP’s Yard Management. It allows the transport team to visualise and manage your yard, doors, trailers and SAP document assignment.

The easy-to-use tool enables users to move trailers and map spaces in a virtual yard. With drag and drop functionality and colour coding, YardMap provides a simple, at a glance snapshot of the yard. It also integrates with mobile RF devices for increased flexibility.

It even allows a trailer to be assigned to inbound/outbound deliveries, shipments and also to a door, providing excellent traceability. It is also possible to load and unload trailers as part of the YardMap process.

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