South East Asia bonanza for Hart
FOLLOWING ITS recent contracts to supply security and fire shutters for airports in Saudia Arabia and Scandinavia, Hart Door Systems of Newcastle upon Tyne has won major contracts for projects in Hong Kong involving the delivery of 73 of its Typhoon shutters.

Hart launched its Typhoon shutter in early 2022 after considerable testing and development as two variants – 3000 pascal or 4,000 pascal rated. However testing has showed the shutter was capable of sustaining pressures at 5030 pascals, equivalent to the pressures generated by a Typhoon blowing at around 165mph.
Though the majority of Typhoons develop in the six month period beginning in May, Typhoons are a phenomenon at any time of the year, capable of delivering considerable damage to property, often causing many deaths.
“As a result there are procedures in place across South East Asia to protect people, businesses and property,” says Hart Door Systems chairman Doug Hart. “We are delighted that our quality and standards are recognised on such a large-scale and that our Typhoon shutters are part of this protection.”
The order is to supply 73 Typhoon shutters, a record for Hart in one contract, for a 1.2m sq ft data centre in the Tseung Kwan O district of Hong Kong. It follows the recent delivery of 19 Typhoons for another data centre and two Typhoons for a shopping mall.
Doug Hart adds: “Throughout the development of our business the focus has remained on innovation and quality. After all our leading high-speed door brand, Speedor was first launched in 1983 and this has continued to be a significant part of the high-speed door sector.
“We have just launched the latest variant, Speedor ECO which will complement Hart’s very successful Speedor Storm, Speedor Mini and sub brands such as Speedor Conveyor and Speedor Cleanroom.”
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