Space saving picking solution on show

Dexion will be demonstrating its Vertical Tornado system at the WTG event.

The software driven machine brings the goods to the picker via an internal vertical lift, that selects the required tray within the system. By bringing the goods to the person, travel distances are eliminated and picking speeds increase.

The system is designed to achieve savings on floor space – up to 70% without reducing storage capacity – but also by reducing picking time by up to 65%, against conventional static shelving systems. It’s particularly suited for fast order picking of small parts and can be custom-tailored to suit individual requirements with laser light pointers and confirmation strips for accurate picking of items. It can also be used as a lift between different warehouse levels and/or floors with multiple access openings.

Additional benefits include more accuracy due to fewer picking errors, and greater protection of stored goods against dust contamination and unauthorised access.

The Vertical Tornado is part of Dexion’s portfolio of automated products.

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