Stretch your budget

When Phillip Hammond gives his first spring budget on March 8th 2017, he’s unlikely to predict when the UK economy will achieve fiscal neutrality. Any previous suggestions of a budget surplus being achieved by 2020 have been abandoned. 

It’s a far more certain outcome for companies using Indigo WMS to manage their warehouse operations though. Recent research across Indigo’s customer base highlights that these companies all achieved cash positive returns, just 12 months after their initial go live dates.

The analysis by Indigo has verified that after investing in Indigo WMS, its customers have shaved an average £126,000 per year off the costs of running their warehouse operations.

Across all industry sectors, individual savings were reported by customers in goods receiving; put away, picking, stock counting and general warehouse administration operations, leaving them with a budget surplus to invest in further business improvement projects.

The total amount saved was in excess of £1.7 m over the past 12 months, representing a significant budget surplus having been achieved. This is enough money for each company to invest in 7 reach trucks, 520 metres of racking and 12 pedestrian operated pallet trucks – to further improve warehouse operations.

“Many companies will attend Intralogistex in search of a new logistics software provider and it can be difficult to evaluate the benefits of so many different solutions on offer,” says Mike Hill, CEO at Indigo Software. “Return on investment should always be a key driver to support any business case and should take into consideration successful implementation rates as well as functionality.”

Stand 93, IntraLogistex, 15 – 16th March 2017

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