Temperature Logger NFC released

Smartrac will use the 15th Annual Cold Chain Global Forum in Chicago to present its latest portfolio of temperature-sensing products and solutions that provide comprehensive cold-chain monitoring. 

As the demand for global industrial logistics grows, temperature-controlled applications are rapidly evolving in parallel, leaving the last mile as the weakest link within the supply chain. Smartrac has developed innovative products and solutions that enable a trusted cold chain by sensing temperature and moisture levels, logging and indicating temperatures and providing authenticity and traceability.

During the event, Smartrac will showcase the newly introduced Temperature Logger NFC. This innovative sensor is a battery-powered label solution for accurately logging temperature data in temperature-control supply-chain applications. Temperature Logger NFC can be read by an easy-to-use smartphone app that allows rapid mobile data control and analysis, helping customers make informed decisions about shipment quality, inventory and logistics. By measuring and recording temperature readings during the transport of sensitive items, the new sensor ideally complements Smartrac’s portfolio of temperature indicators.

Providing RFID-based sensors and the ability to manage product-related data via the company’s Smart Cosmos enablement platform will allow customers to fully leverage the wide range of opportunities offered by RFID technology and the Internet of Things.

“This year’s Cold Chain Global Forum is the perfect occasion for Smartrac to introduce our latest sensor product and IoT-based data unification and authentication capabilities to the public. Building end-to-end trust into a chain of custody for cold-chain market players is our ultimate goal”, says Ted Danhauser, VP Sales Americas at Smartrac.
Please note: 
September 28, 2017 @ 11:00 AM: “Creating End-to-End Trust Across a Pharma Chain of Custody through Leveraging RFID & Data Analytics”, by Jason Weiss, SVP, Cloud Platform and Applications at Smartrac. 
More details: Cold Chain Global Forum 2017.
Smartrac is looking forward to meeting healthcare and supply-chain professionals at the Cold Chain Global Forum 2017, September 25-29 at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois, USA on booth #706. 

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