Temporary heating and cooling

Posted on Tuesday 11 May 2021

TEMPORARY HEATING and cooling has been supplied by ICS Cool Energy for an electric car manufacturing site in Germany.

The customer required a quick and state-of-the art approach that would provide energy efficient heat for different construction phases. ICS Cool Energy, which has one of the largest hire temperature control fleets in Europe, designed a bespoke energy efficient heating and refuelling concept that delivered 36MW of flexible heating for several different construction phases of the plant.

The installed system comprises hire boilers, a fully managed fuel package, indirect diesel fired heaters and air handling units working in tandem.

To ensure lower fuel and electricity consumption, ICS Cool Energy used liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as the heating medium, which per metre cubed offers a calorific value of 13kWh – 30% more in comparison to oil and natural gas. For seamless refuelling operations, all fuel tanks have been fitted with GPS modules, which send the actual fill levels directly to the supplier to avoid empty tanks.

Stefan Drexlmeier, key account manager at ICS Cool Energy, explains: “Our team managed to deliver a highly bespoke and specific solution that combines the best hire boilers on the rental market with excellent engineering and application knowledge. This combination of product and application expertise allowed us to provide the customer with a unique concept that has helped them keep their operations running and move forward with the construction process.”

The following units were specified, planned, delivered and commissioned within the 4-week completion target:

  • 9 ICS Cool Energy Boiler 2000 (2MW) units
  • 2 ICS Cool Energy Boiler 1300 (1,3MW) units
  • 28 ICS Cool Energy IDF 150 indirect diesel fired units 
  • 58 ICS Cool Energy Air Handler 150 air handling units 

With a large part of the process heat used to ensure the continuation of the construction works, part of the heating system and additional 4MW of process cooling is also used for production and programming of various production processes like the painting robots. When completed, the facility will be one of the most advanced high-volume electric vehicle production plants in the world.  

For more information, visit: www.icscoolenergy.com

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