Terex offers Latchways fall protection systems

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

The company supplies the safety systems alongside its range of Demag lifting equipment for new crane installations, retrofits and refurbishments.

Terex will also fit the fall protection systems to the cranes of other original equipment manufacturers.

Latchways manufactures a range of safety equipment, including the ManSafe fall protection system for working at height.

ManSafe may be configured in single spans of up to 60m or as a multi-span system. Typically, the fall protection system will accommodate up to three operators at the same time. Alternatively, custom systems may be configured for simultaneous use by up to ten operators.

Technicians from Terex Material Handling’s Demag Services’ Department have undergone extensive product familiarisation and training on Latchways’ products and are fully qualified to specify and install fall protection systems. Demag technicians are also well placed to provide instruction on the safe operation of the ManSafe system to end users.

Terex Material Handling’s services director, Gordon Baird, says: “Latchways’ fall protection products are a good fit with our lifting equipment. We are now well placed to act as a single source for customers seeking material handling products and services, together with associated working at height safety systems.

“Falls from height are the biggest single cause of death in the workplace and one of the biggest causes of serious industrial injury. Employers have a duty of care under the Work at Height Regulations 2005 and Latchways’ fall protection systems represent the best means of providing a safer environment for those operators who are required to work at height.”

The ManSafe line is manufactured in 1 x 19, 8mm diameter stainless steel cable, which has low stretch properties and a breaking strain of over 45 kN. The line is permanently anchored to the crane girder at regular intervals, with the system cable tensioned to 5 kN, to prevent cable sag and possible whiplash in the event of a fall. The system is tested in accordance with EN 795:2012 and CEN TS 61415.

Terex Material Handling is a registered specifier, supplier and installer of Latchways’ comprehensive range of fall protection and working at height products.

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