The perfect time to check trucks

Posted on Thursday 5 January 2023

ACCORDING TO CFTS chairman Geoff Martin, we are heading into the perfect time of year to make sure essential equipment is not only safe but is in good working order, ready for when things get much busier.

“Sorting out a small issue now could prevent a much bigger and more costly repair further down the line – and avoid a lot of aggravation and wasted time when you can least afford it,” he explains.

“If you don’t have a Thorough Examination (LOLER) scheduled or are in any doubt about what needs to be covered, for many businesses, the slower months following the Christmas rush are the perfect time to resolve those issues.” 

According to HSE, vehicles at work continue to be a major cause of fatal and major injuries. Every year there are over 5,000 incidents involving transport in the workplace around 50 of which result in fatalities.

Significantly, the majority of these involve forklift and warehouse trucks.

“The causes of injuries are many,” continues Geoff Martin. “But a significant number could be eliminated by routine inspection of the equipment: by the operator before every shift and by a competent person at least once a year. 

“In the case of the annual safety inspection that means examining not just the lifting systems and components (including mast, forks, and chains covered by LOLER), but also the steering, braking and traction systems, along with overhead guards, wheels, tyres, seats, etc, in order to comply with PUWER.

“In terms of frequency, a Thorough Examination will need to be conducted at least every 12 months (starting, unlike a car’s MOT, in year one). However, the precise frequency will depend on several factors including the nature of the work undertaken, hours used per week, and the environment.”

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