Tile Mountain reduces stock damage in transit

The online retailer transports almost 35,000 pallets of tiles annually through Pall-Ex.

The logistics giant is benefitting from the Tile Mountain’s rapid growth, having seen its account grow year-on-year since taking on distribution in 2013.

Tile Mountain’s acquisition of key industry names, including Tons of Tiles and Capitol Tiles Group, has also led to additional volume for Pall-Ex and its nationwide network of SMEs.

The transportation of fragile goods increases the risk of damages, but the firms have worked closely to improve the packaging and movement of tiles to reduce these risks.

Bulky and off-centre goods are at greater risk of damage when transported by forklift truck, but a full evaluation of Tile Mountain’s freight transportation identified how smaller, centrally packaged pallets could reduce this while also improving trunk fill.

As a result of the freight evaluation, 98% of deliveries are completed successfully.

With more than 90% of deliveries for Tile Mountain being direct to customer, the launch of Pall-Ex’s MyNexus software has been of major benefit to the retailer’s customer service team, helping to reduce customer calls due to providing full visibility on all consignments.

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