Training launches for forklift tyre maintenance

Posted on Friday 30 September 2022

MICHELIN HAS launched a dedicated training programme for tyre technicians responsible for keeping fleets of forklift trucks and other materials handling equipment on the move.

The Michelin Training and Information Centre (MTIC) in Stoke-on-Trent is running the new materials handling tyre fitting course, which also embraces management of solid wheels. Michelin says the course lays the foundation for training excellence internationally and is hoping to roll it out across Europe.

Formalised through the National Tyre Distributors Association (NTDA) Accreditation scheme and recognised by City & Guilds, the Licensed Commercial Tyre Technician Category 2 – Specialist & Multi-Wheel course, places a big emphasis on practical training, with nine assessments for each attendee to pass.

MTIC Training Instructor, Dave Womble, says: “We had previously only trained technicians to work on pneumatic materials handling tyres, but we needed to include the removal and fitting of solid elastic resilient tyres as well, including divided and multi-piece wheels that require a hydraulic press. This is a new area for us in terms of training, and we have risen to the challenge.”

The decision to launch the programme follows the complete integration of speciality tyre and wheel business Camso into the Michelin Group.

The three-day course focuses on a number of key areas: tyre construction and sidewall markings, types of materials handling tyre, wheel recognition and measurement, safe inflation procedures of pneumatic tyres, practical assessments of all tyre and wheel combinations, as well as hydraulic trailer press safety checks, and health & safety.

For more information, visit

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