Triple security bollards

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

Loading bay equipment specialist Farrington Industries has secured the UK and Ireland distribution rights for a range of shock absorbing protection bollards.

The Softstop system is already established in North America and mainland Europe.

Softstop energy absorbing bollards bring cost and risk reductions,” said director Ernie Bovington. “They can prevent damage to vehicles, the bollards themselves and the building. They flex on impact which helps prevent personal injury too.”

The Softstop system is modular and simple to order. There are three diameters, with tee and elbow fittings along with different tube lengths. This means everything from single bollards to protection barriers, safety railings, fences, guard rails or even Armco barriers can be assembled. A range of coloured paint finishes are available.

 Fixings are supplied to face fix base plates onto suitable concrete floors making retrofit upgrades quick.

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