TTF head highlights importance of wooden packaging & pallets
The incoming managing director of the Timber Trades Federation (TTF), David Hopkins, has visited members of the timber packaging and pallet industry to speak about his plans for the organisation in one of his first appointments since taking on the role.
Speaking at the general meeting of the Timber Packaging & Pallet Confederation (TIMCON) in Manchester in January, Hopkins said of the sector: “This is an
important section of the trade, and one with which I intend to work very closely in the future.”
He told TIMCON members he wanted the TTF to connect with its membership across the UK; focusing on opportunities to share industry statistics, knowledge between different sectors, statistics and a lobbying platform for the overall good of forest-based industries in the country.
The TIMCON general meeting also included updates on other aspects including ISPM15, biomass lobbying, insurance and health and safety.